Thursday, August 2, 2012

Are we Listening?

Today is my first day becoming a blogger.  I have been reading many others blogs, but never considered one of my own, until now.  My Lord God of heaven and earth, whom I love and serve, out of that love, has been leading me into "hearing" His voice...learning to LISTEN to HIM!.  Now He wants me to share  what I am hearing.  I am starting herewith this first post.

The Word of God is His voice.  He speaks to us through His words,  given to us by the inspiration of those whom He used to put them into writing--from the stone tablets of Moses day,  to each and every author writing each book of the Bible.

He has been speaking to the world since the time of creation.  The Bible is how He chooses to communicate today.  And the words of His precious and most beloved Son, Jesus Christ, which the New Testament is all about.

His very thoughts and  His ways  are what Scripture is all about.  Imparting a knowledge of who He is and how He operates, page after awesome page.   Sadly many, many people in today's culture do not spend time reading a Bible.  Or seeking  The Author.  They are either to busy, not interested, or just ignoring the need they have for a relationship with the One who created them.

Scripture was given to us that we might LISTEN to God.  Whether we do, or do not, does not change it's truth.  God will do what He says He will do, and history is full of evidence it is so.

So how about you?  Have you taken time to LISTEN to God today?  How will you ever get to know Him if you do not hear what He has to say.

He promises His Word will never return void.

Thank you Father God, that You love us so very much, You are continually waiting for us to turn to You through Your precious Word.  Bless it  when we do and let us Hear from You.
Lovingly in Jesus Name I ask.

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