Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why God's Word Is So Important

For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword...Heb 4:12

Why is Gods Word so important?  Because it is alive and active as this verse says.  It gives life to the "dead". It is the very words of God given to His creation in order for them to  know Him and follow Him.  It is His Spirit alive and at work with in each child who has accepted the gift of salvation from His Son, Jesus Christ.

Scripture says that the Spirit of God reveals the things of God... God wants us to know Him and His ways and thoughts; that's what the Bible is, God speaking, first to the nation of Israel, His chosen people and then to those who accept His Son as Savior.

Scriptures proclaim the glory of God, and man has no excuse for rejecting Him, saying He does not exist  because all creation shouts of His existence.  Scripture is God telling us about Himself and about ourselves, dead in or sins till Jesus gives us life.

Throughout life we are constantly learning, beginning in infancy we are instructed on how to live.  We have to learn in order to function and survive.  The Bible is our instruction manual on how to live a godly life.  How God created us to live before sin entered the world and robbed and blinded us to what He had created us to be--His child.

If we do not read, learn,  and do what Scripture says, we can never be fulfilled, truly happy and at peace.
Scripture tells us all about Jesus, the One whom we learn from and follow to a relationship with man comes to the Father except through Him.

God's word has become the most important thing in my life. because learning what God's wants me to do and how to do it, is my life.  It is where we receive the abundant life that Scripture speaks of.  We became spiritually wealthy when we treasure the Word of God in our hearts and minds.   We receive peace, joy, love, gentleness, goodness, faithful, forgiveness,  all the fruits that the indwelling Spirit of God produce as we grow in God's grace.

God gives a peace that surpasses all understanding, a strong refuge in times of life's trials and storms and I never want to be without it.  His Word truly is a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet.  He never fails me and always, always does exactly as He says He will do in His Word.

Dear God thank You that You do not leave us as orphans but have given us You precious Word to learn and live by.  Just as an earthly father teaches his children what they need to know and grow, You as my/our heavenly Father also teach us even deeper how to live and have eternal life in You.  Thank You Father for Your perfect plan and absolute sovereignty. What an awesome privilege to be wanted by You in an intimate relationship.  To be loved so very, very much.  Praise You Lord God! Praise You!

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