Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Suffering..What Choices Do We Have?

Consider it all joy....For your momentary light affliction (troubles)  are producing (building) an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison....2 Cor. 4: 17
And the God of all grace who called you to His eternal glory in Christ,  after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.  To Him be the power forever and ever...1 Peter 5:10

Suffering!  Nobody wants it, yet everyone experiences it.  Suffering comes to us physically, or emotionally, or mentally, or financially; we all must deal with it in each of these ways at sometime.  There is no one in this world who doesn't experience one of these, and probably more than one, at any given time in their life.  And every time suffering, in the form, of adversity and trials, hits, we have a choice, how are we going to respond?  How are we going to choose to handle the adversity.

For myself I have learned I have two major choices.  One is to listen to what the world says will "fix" the problem, or to listen to what God says about troubles and woes in this life and what I am to do about them, His way.  Answers are what we seek wisdom for.  Our choices are what we decide wisdom is and how to apply it. 

The world  so called wisdom tells us that when we are suffering, we must get out of it any way we can.  Take a pill, drink a drink, watch a movie, buy some item we don't really need.  Just do something that we think will gives us relief and pleasure at the moment.  The sad thing I have learned and many others like me is that even if we are able to get relief at the time, there will be another adversity, trial, woe, somewhere along our path again.  An this time  the momentary relief may not come.

Some adversity, such as living with chronic pain that cannot be relieved, or loosing someone we love to death or divorce, must be endured. We may not be able to find a way out of it.  Yet instinctively we will continue to try.  It's instinctive! It's survival.  It's the way we are wired.

But what I want to offer here is another way to deal with the sufferings of life that we all must endure.  Gods ways, which are not our worldly was to manage things, yet are the most beneficial.
There is absolutely nothing that we as men and woman face that God has not address in His written
Word, the Bible.

Scripture tells us that when we are suffering God will be with us in our suffering.  HE will strengthen us, give us grace to endure and never, never, leave us to endure alone.  He promises to His children that the suffering we are going through has purpose and if we respond in His wisdom He will work it for good, always.  This is difficult when we are in the midst of pain and all we can think of is to get it gone.

What I'm trying to say is that being one who knows I am not going to find total relief from pain as long as I am alive in this world, I am also learning that I can find the ONE who knows more about enduring pain and suffering as a human being than anyone else who ever lived.

Jesus suffered.  He suffered crucifixion and death.  He endured these, so He knows what I feel when I am suffering in my physical body.   And the wonderful thing is because He does He can also offer me what it takes to endure any suffering this side of eternity.  He himself living within me.  Strengthen me with His strength, comforting me with His comfort, and loving, me with His love.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can and will walk with us through all the suffering and tragedy of this world. And He alone is the only answer we have to the next world, no matter what the rest of the world tells us.  Gods Word is true.  We can bank our lives now on the promises He gives and that's exactly how I have hope and endurance and even a sense of joy.  Not emotional joy, but deep down joy, which can also be expressed as confidence that He will do exactly what He says He will do.  I have experience it myself over and over and over.  At the darkest times of my life HE gives me hope, strength and courage to "keep on keeping on" because I can trust Him.

The love and life of Jesus Christ is the answer to suffering.  There is no other love like His. Only with His very Presence in and through me can I endure and come out victorious in the end.  And for those of you who read this He can and will do the same for you if you allow Him too.

Thank You precious Lord that You know and care when we suffer.  Thank You that You carry the scars and stripes that have set us free eternally to live with you in heaven.  And that You will carry us through any suffering we endure here on earth until we come home.  How dear and wonderful the love you have for all the world and all of those in it.  Thank You Jesus for Your love beyond anything we can image.  May those who read these words come to know the joy even in suffering that is in a relationship with You, because Your Word says in Your right hand are the joys...


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Appointed Places

There is an appointed time for everything.  And there is a time for every event under heaven---a time to live and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.  A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance...a time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.  A time to search and a time to give up as lost; a time to keep and a time to throw away.  A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; a time to be silent and a time to speak.  A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.   Eccl. 3:1-8

How many times I have read these verses and thought I understood what they meant. Not really seeing what it is the writer is saying here.  Solomon was a great king, the son of King David and known from Scriptures to be the wisest of men.  He wrote the above verses.  From them was great wisdom, but also great feeling.

The book of Ecclesiastes is written by a man who knew great internal searching about all things in life.  He knew suffering as well, disappointment, death, love, losses, hate, war, peace.  He knew a lot about feelings.  both negative and positive.

What catches my attention is that fact that he knew there was an appointed time for every event under heaven--everything.  He had experienced this.  What I see is a man who knew and lived God's sovereignty.  That the Lord of Heaven has an appointed time for all we experience in life.  The  not so good and the good.  Notice for every negative he then gives a positive that accompanies each perfectly.

I have spent much time in these "places" over the past year.  Most of them in the "not so good"  part but some found moments in the "good" places as well. When I was looking for them.   When we are in the midst of storms that rage so strongly we are uprooted, torn apart, mourning for what we have given up as lost, maybe die, we cannot see that there is an appointed time for when we will plant, build up, embrace, dance, love, laugh, heal.  God's Word says we will.  He has appointed it. He will lift us up in His timing.

How long will we be in each place of life?  Only He knows but I a convinced that He says He will work all things---good and not so good--for my good and His glory.  All I have to do is believe this ands hold on tight to the hand He holds--mine--in the not so good places and we will move on to the appointed times of good places. 

Father one of the hardest places of life is to be in great suffering, sorrow and grief.  As Your children we do not want to suffer.  We want You to fix it; take it away.  And what I have been learning and hope others can learn as well, is that You do!  You have an appointed time for each place and we will find the good places if we trust You in the not so good times.  Thank You that Your Word speaks to each of us about Your divine appointment with us in everything.  I love that I can have hope knowing that You promise there is another side  to suffering...  Praise You for loving us so.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Born Again. How Can Anyone Be Born Again?

Truly, truly I say to you that unless one is born of water (baptism) and the Spirit they can not enter into the kingdom  of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.  John3:5-6

In this passage of Scripture Jesus was speaking with a man named Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee, a religious, moral man of his time.  Compared to others he felt pretty good about his own righteousness,  yet he was a "dead" man walking and didn't even know it. Scripture shows us he was seeking knowledge from Jesus when he came to Him in the night.

Nicodemus recognized Jesus only as a "teacher" come from God, because of the wonders & signs Jesus had done.  He was what I call a "seeker", he knew there was something special about Jesus, but did not recognize Him as Gods Son, the Messiah, God in the flesh, God who had come from heaven to on a rescue mission to save His creation .  Nicodemus was spiritually blind.  He didn't understand Jesus was speaking of a spiritual birth in this verse.  A birth that brings to life the spirit of man, that part of us which died after the fall.

Jesus tells Nicodemus being "born again" was necessary to enter the kingdom of God.  Being born again is still necessary 2000 years later.  Unless we are spiritually given a new life in Christ Jesus, we will stay spiritually dead.  We won't know or be able have a personally relationship with God.

What is so important about being born again. It is, that this new birth that comes from salvation, brings to us the Holy Spirit of God to live within us and bring to life our dead spirit.  The Spirit is how we have a personal intimate relationship with God. This is what Jesus was speaking of in the next verses when He tells Nicodemus about the wind.

"The wind blows where it wishes and we hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going, so it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8  Humans do not "see" visually the wind when it blows, yet we feel it when it touches us.  We hear it, yet do not know where it comes from.  So it is with Gods Spirit.  He touches us, and we hear Him speak to our hearts and minds through our reborn spirits.

For those of us who suffer, for what ever reason, be it physical health problems, strife, broken relationships whatever, this is the most important information we can come to know, next to our salvation experience in Christ.   Why? because it is only through the Spirit of God living in us we can have true strength to endure and overcome the trials of this life. Real strength comes when we know God is in control no matter what the circumstances and He has promised that He will work all to good for those who are His children, born of adoption into His family through faith in His Son.
It's Gods promise.  And I am learning through my own experience God promises never fail. God does exactly what He says He will do.

He says being born again brings us eternal life.  I have learned it also brings us "life" here on earth.
We can live, with Christ living within us, growing us into His character, strengthening us when we need it, comforting us when we suffer, bring peace in the midst of chaos.  Only Gods Spirit at work within us can give true joy and peace to our souls even when we are suffering deeply.  God never promised we as His children would never suffer, He promised He would be with us in our suffering, which is what those who do not know Him do not have.  His Presence, His Spirit alive in our spirits.  How amazing can that be?

Many think they can navigate the trials and tribulations of this fallen, broken world on there own sufficiency.  Maybe they can.  I cannot speak for them, but for myself I can say that only by Gods Spirit can I each day find the grace to live with my chronic pain and degeneration of my body and still find life worth living. How? God walks with me within my heart and talks with me through His Word, and He desires to do so for all His creations. 

If you want a new life in exchange for the one you have now, to be born again, He is oh so willing to come and give it to you.  Call out to Him and He will answer I know for sure because it is another promise...He will not turn away those who come to Him...Matt. 7:7

Lord I am so thankful for Your Spirit that lives within me and gives me the ability to know You.  My prayer is for anyone reading this that they will see You are the answer to all the suffering, pain, and heartache this life brings. because You bring hope and a new way of living here on earth as we wait for our coming home to heaven.  Thank You because of all You suffered for me Lord on the Cross I can now have a life in and with You and God the Father through Your Spirit.  I am born again in You. Praise You Lord.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Although He existed in the form of God....He (Jesus) emptied Himself taking on the form of a a man He humbled Himself by becoming obedient ...even to death on the cross.

Obedience to the Word of God can appear very difficult, even at times down right impossible.  Yet obedience in the difficult times is one a believers greatest witnesses to those who don't know Jesus.  Believing Gods promises when we are in the midst of trials and suffering is the proof of obedience. I show the faith of those who know Him as the loving Father He is. God never asks us to do any thing that is not for our best.  He only wants what's good for us.  As impossible as it seems when we praise Him for His presence in our suffering, it releases His Spiritual power to bring help to us in our time of need. It is choosing to obey what He has told us in Scripture and trusting Him to handle the consequences.

One of the most impossibly hard principles God has asked of those who follow Him is to forgive someone else who has hurt or wronged us.  The world tells us when someone wrongs you, get even, pay them back.   Gods words says, " forgive and you will be forgiven...Matt.6:12  Why? because God has forgiven us so much for our sins, we must forgive those who sin against us.  Hard! Very hard, but not impossible with Gods help.

Forgiveness, real forgiveness comes only from the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He exemplified true forgiveness when He forgave those who were crucifying Him, literally torturing Him as He hung on the cross.  Could I forgive someone who was taking my very life?  I pray I never have to find out.  It is hard enough for me as it is, to forgive someone who has wounded me emotionally.

Yet as I come to know my Savior and God His Father in a deeper understanding from studying Scripture, I am learning their ways are always right, perfectly fitted for me, their beloved child.  I have learned that Gods request for me to forgive another is not for the benefit of the one who hurt me, but for my benefit.  His Word teaches me anger, resentment, and bitterness poison our souls and hurts us worse than the offences committed against us.  Scripture has much to say about forgiveness and I have spoken a lot about it as an example of why its important to obey what Gods Word tells us.

Jesus was obedient to the Father whom He loved above all else.  He was Gods Son and He learned obedience, so why would I not understand that I need to learn it also.  Personally I am, and it's tough,
but the peace it brings me deep with in and the joy of my relationship with Jesus close beside me is worth every moment.  The Lord love is for all.  No one is exempt, even the worst of sinners.  Does this mean that someone can deliberately cause you harm and not have consequences.  No God is a just and righteous God, and He will judge the sins we all have committed.  As believers in Christ  atoning work on the cross, we are forgiven our sins, so we become children of God, even though that may be hard to believe.

So God asks us, commands us actually,to forgive others because He has forgive us so much.  Our forgiveness cost the life of His Son. That much!

Why do we forgive?  Because we are forgiven.  And when we obey what Gods says the benefits and rewards are greater than anything we can comprehend unless we experience them personally Obeying Gods Word brings blessings,  the Bible tells us so, "Blessed is the one who hears the Word of God and does it."

The earthly rewards for obedience are peace, joy and contentment within our hearts and souls. will also be eternal rewards for those who trust and obey and follow their Lord's example.  Heaven awaits those who believe Jesus died for us and has given us eternal life.  I know that rewards are being stored up for me in the heavenly realms and when I arrive I will know what they are.  So why obey?  Because Jesus obeyed  His Father in all things. And He is my example to live by.  Yes the rewards are apart of the blessing, but a personal relationship with God the Creator is a far more valuable reward.

Thank You so much Lord for the example You gave us in Your life of obedience while You lived here among Your creation.  You were the most perfect  man to walk the face of the earth and You learned how to obey.  May each of us who love You with all our hearts, souls, and minds follow You in such obedience as we hear Your voice speaking to us.  If You could die for me, even while I was a sinner, I can forgiven those who sin against me through Your perfect love.  Praise You Name! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hurried Sickness????

Be still and know that I am God;  I will be exalted....Psalms 46:10

Stillness.  A word today that has little meaning in most of our lives.  Even when we are trying to "be still" we are often still in motion.  We hurry to get up in the mornings, to hurry off in speeding cars to get kids to school or arrive on time at jobs.  We hurry through our work day to complete all that needs to be done, so we can go on to the next thing.  Hurry!  Hurry! Hurry!  And then the next thing most of us know, we have to slow down because we are sick, or extremely tired, or both sick and tired.  A perfect definition for "hurried sickness,"  rush, rush, rush, until we are forced to slow down   Hurried sickness is a term I came across sometime back reading a medical article , which stated that this term was actually being considered by professionals to cover some stress related illness's most likely resulting from the business of today's world where people are caring less and less for their health needs.  For most of us we are hurried sick--could even say worried sick.

Scripture defines "still" in the Bible as being motionless, quiet.  How many of us can say we have very many or even any moments of motionlessness in our daily lives, except when we are sleeping?  But even then are we motionless? Sometimes, many times not. Those who do not sleep well at night will understand.
And quiet...that's a concept our world of voices, noise, audible sounds and modern day technology have almost eliminated. Where does any one find quiet. Recently I found a TV in the rest room I used.  At one time that at least might have been a few moments of quiet for some. Not to say privacy!

Why talk about  "being still"?   Because the Bible tells us this is how we will know God.  We will not know Him if we can not be still, listening with our hearts and minds to hear what He has to say. Many question if there is a God and that He speaks to man.  Oh yes my friend there is a God and He speaks to all who come to Him with a heart to hear what He has to say.  He speaks to us through His marvelous Word the Bible and through the knowledge of His Son.   Scripture tells us  Jesus has the power to speak to the wind and seas and calm them.  He has power and the desire to do the same for us.  But Scripture also tells us He doesn't speak in the whirlwind but n the soft sweet voice that speaks to our hearts.   But we have to seek Him to do so. Seek involves stillness.  Taking time each day to read what God has to say. And over and over I hear more and more people saying, I don't  have time to sit motionless for a few minutes and read my Bible.  Or take some time out from my busy hurried day to spend in prayer.  I have so much to do.
And for what.  To accomplish the methods of acquiring the things of this world.  Power, pride, success, material things.  Bigger and Better?
So we hurry  and scurry and move, and do, to accomplish something that we see, or feel is important.  What may then happen to us is the crash of sickness or just not "feeling" well which falls upon us.  We "catch" some bug with our name on it, and we still continue to keep doing, because in our minds if we do not, it won't get done.  Hurried Sickness is an almost, all or nothing "disease of our day".  We keep giving our all, emotionally, and physically, until we run out, and then spend many days trying to recover.
Gods created His children for having times of stillness and moments of refreshing.  He desires to share these with us.  Scripture speaks of Jesus telling His disciples to came away to a secluded place and be with Him.

I am writing about this because I myself have experienced this same hurried sickness, for most of my adult life.  I like so many others operated on the principles of this world emphasis and not on what the Word of God said.  Have I paid a price for this?  Most definitely.  Because my dear friend what I have learned is that Gods Word is Truth, whether we choose to believe it or not does not change it.
If God says this is what will happen if we do this, that is what will happen, sometime, somewhere, somehow.  We know it as the principle of "sowing and reaping".

When I wasn't "still", before God, I did what I thought was right.  I believed you could, and should, continue pushing yourself though every sick, tired day.  Now the price is a body that won't let me push "ahead" or anywhere else for that matter, without help.  Sickness has forced me to learn to be still whether I want to or not.

And I am here to tell you where the help comes from when you find  that this may be a problem you share with me.  When I have exhausted all the assurances  of this world,  all the, "I can do it myself"
times and find I can not push on myself,  the One who command the wind to be still and the seas to be calm can still the "winds" of my world and calm the storms of life that blow against me.  It is in the stillness of these times He asks me to sit quietly and listen to what He says to me through His Word.  He gives me hope and joy, love and peace, because I can hear His soft sweet voice speaking just to me.  Jesus Christ is the most loving person that ever walk this earth.  He loves with a love that no one else can give and I am so grateful that He chose me to lavish His love upon.

Being still with Him each day has become my life's sustaining force.  I could not live without it,  would not live with Him.    And all it took was for me to finally be still motionless in my struggling with the toils of this life and He came and met me right there where I cried out to Him in my need.  Will He only do this for me?  Is there something special about me.  No!  He will and wants to meet all His creations in the same way.  Every created being.  You my friend no matter who you are.  His love and His power are infinite and yet as available as the soft whisper He offers them in.  Just be still and Know Him.  He wants you too!

Be still and know that I am God...Psalms  46:10  ...and Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and the sea,"Hush, be still." And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm...Mark 4:39

Lord You are everything I have ever hoped for, longed for, or desired to want to know in this world.  Your love and guidance are the only thing that brings wellness to those of us who experience Your healing love.  May someone else reading these words, be spurred to take time that is totally focused on seeking You; on quietly reading Your Word because they want to know You and this love of which I share.  I know You will meet with them, just as you have with me so many times, speaking to me in the stillness with the soft voice filled with love.  Thank You Precious Lord for such a love that is from everlasting to everlasting


Friday, April 26, 2013

Valley Nights of Tears

Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.  Psalms 30:5

Many of us know what weeping in the night is all about.  Those times of true aloneness, when no other human being is  apart of what we are experiencing. When we lie in our beds and are suffering some great emotional, physical, or  relational time of distress, something which is breaking our hearts. The times of raw pain that are so deep we know that we can not handle them by ourselves.  And we can not!

 Only the Lord Jesus Christ can come and enter into these times of darkness..   Only His death and resurrection, allow His wonderful comforting love and Presence to come along side of us in these times of great sorrow. His Light shines in darkness," for in Him there is NO darkness" and by His Light He can lead us up and out of the pit of despair and grief: bring us above our suffering to His throne, where we find peace comfort and safety.

God created us.  He knows us our beginning  and our end. He alone knows what each of us need at every moment of our lives.  He wants to be with us in our pain and suffering, for He knows all about these emotions.   He, Himself suffered the greatest example of pain ever recorded, flogged, beaten, spit on a thorn of crowns brutal stuck into His head, then  hanging on a cross, nailed by spikes in each hand and through his feet, willingly dying there for my sin so that I might have eternal life through His resurrection, which would come after His death..  Jesus Christ the Son of God knows what it is to feel, pain and sorrow and suffering.  He knows what we feel and can, and does walk us through any dark valleys nights full of tears we may be going through.  We never have to be alone in or grief  or sorrow.  There is One who has bore them for us.

 If we are believers we are promised not to be alone. Jesus tells us in Scripture that, "I will NEVER leave you or forsake you"....Hebrews 13:5

I have been in a dark, dark valley of tearful nights over these past weeks , suffering some of the most profound pain and sorrow I have ever experienced.  Nights of sickness and hurting, that have brought so many tears,  I often wonder how they could keep flow on and on.  Nights when I like Paul could say I could despaired of life it's self.   Death would have been welcome.

But Jesus My Lord and Savior had another plan.  Light into my darkness and  the wiping away my tears. He brought His wonderful, prefect love and comforting light right into my darkness,  when I cried out to Him, bringing me help and hope, because He is hope.  He's is the Light and hope of all mankind and His precious loving Presence in times of adversity is beyond description.

He comes into my valley of tears and says,  "I am with you, you are not alone. You may weeping  during the night but  joy comes with the morning.  My joy,  for those who follow Me."  Our weeping, for whatever reason, is promised to turn to joy if we let Him in and let Him light our darkness.

Jesus has promised to wipe away every tear..Rev.7:17.. And for this daughter of Christ, that is exactly what He has been doing.   We, Jesus and I,  have been passing through the "valley night of tears" and are moving toward the morning and the joy that He will bring. 

Gods ways are not our ways.  Many ,, many times we will not understand the adversities and difficulties of this life. But wether we believe or do not believe in Him doesn't change the fact that He exists.  He Is Alive and resurrected into a new life and we can share it with Him, here on  earth and later in heaven when He calls us home, if we choose to walk with Him.

Everyone travels through the valley nights of tears---sorrow, grief, pain-- The question is do we travel them alone, or do we walk with the One who loves us enough to die for us,  If we walk with the Lord our nights through the valley of tears will be filled with His grace and mercy and He will lead us into mornings of joy.  The joy of the Lord.

Sweet Lord only You know why we must travel in these valley nights of tears.  And only You can walk with us through them, bring your peace, comfort and love when we  " trust in You and  lean not on our own understanding.  Thank You Lord that the suffering You allow, can result in the greatest blessing we can know...Your Marvelous Presence..  We can Praise You, not for the adversity it's self whatever the cause, but that You are therewith us in every step we take and every tear we shed.  I pray Lord Jesus for anyone who may find themselves in this "valley" right now. May they also experience Your peace and light. You Lord Jesus.  Only in You.
In Your very Precious Name I ask Jesus, Giving thanks for all You will, for You are good.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Prodical Sons

And Jesus said, "A man had two sons.  The younger ... said to his father, "Give me the share of the estate that falls to me... So he divided his wealth between the sons....the younger son then gathered everything together and went on a journey.....and squandered his estate .... Now when he had spent everything he began to be impoverished......Luke 15:11-14

Oh how many times I have read this parable and not paid a lot of attention.  Now as I live with the same situation, I begin to hear and see what this says in my heart.

This young man was like many of today's young men.  They too want, then get and then they squander it away on today's ways of living loose.  Those hasn't really changed from Biblical times.
In some cases they may not have financial wealth to squander but time, purpose and future.  They settle for the pleases of the moment, not wanting to think or deal with whatever the consequence's of their choices will be.

This problem isn't just for young men.  Many, many people are lie of the devil.  Men, women, and children even.  As a society we want and we want now.  What happens later doesn't fit in anywhere.

My writing here is for my "Prodigal".  We are both going through the heart wrenching separation and journeying of this process.  My hope and faith is all in the Lord to bring him home both to the Father and to me.  I await the next part of the parable with much prayer and love.

Only the heavenly Father has the true answer for those who find themselves in the most difficult places, dark, lonely, empty, places.  His Son...our Savior.  Jesus is the Light, His Words are Life.  and if we learn then and live them we will have life, maybe not the way the unbelieving world thinks, but a life filled with peace within, no matter the circumstances and joy for my that I am not alone to deal with this world.  His love and care covers me and all I can do is thank Him and LOVE Him back with a poor substitute of the love He gives me.

Lord watch over our "prodigal"; keep him in Your care and return him to those who love him.
You are good and mighty and so tenderly loving only someone who has experienced the presence of Your love can even say it.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spiritually Single

Then the Lord said, "It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for Him...Genesis 2:18.....For this reason a man joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

"Spiritually single".  Have you heard this term before?  I was introduced to it in a married woman's bible study group.  A group of  wives whose husbands didn't share a spiritual walk with them.  For years I've attended church with women who came  to services and events surrounding "church stuff" alone. They sit Sunday after Sunday in pews by themselves, usually alone, sometimes with children if they have them, but no husbands in sight. Spiritually single describes my own marriage as it was for many years and has been for some of the most wonderful, godly women I've know through my years of my faith journey.

This morning this term came to my mind, and I ask God, "What does this really mean?  How would He explain being single spiritually?  Is it even a valid term?  When I have considered, or used this term in the past, as a label for myself, it meant, not sharing any spiritual life with the husband I am married to.   Married but not joined in the most important relationship of my life, my relationship with Jesus Christ, my Lord & Savior. No reading of the Word together, no praying together, no going to church, or sharing fellowship with other believers together, or very little of any of theses. Caring for and managing my spiritual needs, outside of our marriage relationship.

Seems I've been here most of the time, for years, and I really wanted to know what scripture would have to say about it.  Thinking on, it also came to me that those whose spouses had past on, or those who had divorces could fit here too. So I prayerfully asked, "Lord may we go on a journey into Your word and try to make some understanding of what it means being spiritually single and what that means to men and women today.

As I first begin,  because I'm a woman, I of course start by thinking about other woman in the Bible who might fit this term..  Naomi came to my mind as the first single woman I thought of,  because she had been married and lost both her husband and sons. But my next thought was there where men whom this term might have applied to also, thinking of  Hosea with his promiscuous wife, Gomer.
Here were two. Who else can I find that fit in this category? And how does it apply to my life today?

 I am going to see what more the Lord has to show me on this particular subject, because His Word always has what I need.  So I plan to spend some blog time discovering what God has to say about the subject and how it applies.

Follow along  over the next few posts and let's see what we find out.

Lord Jesus, You above all others knew what it was to walk the journey of faith without a married partner.  Some of Your disciples were married, but Your intimacy was with the Father in heaven.  There is a real need for many women--and men-- to understand how to have a spiritual relationship with You and the Father, without the support of those they are , or were, intimately joined to in marriage.  Show me Lord what You want me to hear on this subject for Your Holy Word.   Thank You Jesus there is nothing that can not be learned from in Your Word.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Love and Service What do they show?

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all men will know you are My disciples, if you love one another (emphasis mine).
John 13:34,35

Love.  With Valentines Day just turning the corner there has been a lot of emphasis on love, flowing around us.  Cards to buy, flowers, candy and all types of gifts given to express one persons love to another. It is a wonderfully joyous day for couples and looked forward to by all those in love each year.

During this Valentines day, no longer being part of a couple, I spent some time contemplating this word "love", and another word theme that I've been focusing on, "service" to others.   And then after mulling things around later while reading a devotional this Scripture above spoke volumes to me.

We as believers are commanded by our Lord to love one another.  Commanded! Strong word meaning ordered, do.  He commanded the disciples who were with Him at the time of His ministry to love one another, and by that expressed love, others would know they were His disciples--followers.

So how does this have anything to do with the love expressed at Valentines.   It has to do with what love is; what we perceive it to mean.  There is a huge difference between what the world says is love and what God says is love.   A closer look here reveals the reason,  because the key passage of this Scripture is,"even as I have loved you". So many miss this part.  It is only by the love of Christ shared with us, that we can truly reveal love to others.   Jesus Christ is the epitome of love.  Real love. Genuine love.  The deep down core love that's says "I am with you always, I will not forsake you." "I have your hand".

The world offers a type of love that most of us look to today, to mean real love; but much to freqently this love, is  more an emotional "me" directed kind of  love.  What am "I" going to get out of this relationship, this gift, this special day?

As I have come to experience  the love of Christ, I am starting to understand more about what Scripture calls, "love".  Gods love is a patient love, a gentle, love, a kind love, (Gal. 5:22) and above all a sacrificial love.  This is the kind  of love God has for us.  This is the love Jesus is talking to His disciples to show toward each other, the love He has shown them.

It is this quality, sacrificially loving others, I believe that sets true followers of Christ apart from those who do not know Him in a personal relationship.  For myself I never really knew what real love was until I met Jesus.  I also never fully experienced real love directed toward me, until I experienced His love.    Believers loving others in specific ways reflects the love we have for Him.  We also know it, and show it, when we  serve others,-- hence title.

Brothers and sisters in Christ,  the world is watching how we love each other on a daily basis.  Do they see the love of Jesus reflected in what they see from us?  The love of Christ is service to others, not just expecting something for ourselves.  Can we each ask of ourselves, "Am I loving as Christ loves, so that, all men will know I am His disciple"?

O' precious Lord, how I so often I express and show  the worlds example of love, rather than Your perfect love, which is available if I only ask.  Can I love my brothers and sisters, and all Your creations with the love that You show me and I show then as Your disciple?  I pray so Lord!    And only by Your mercy and love for me is it even possible.
Thank You that You came from the Father to reveal to us what Gods love for us really looks like.  Your goodness is beyond anything words can say.  Your life says it all.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Love and Fear... Can you feel both at the same time?

 And there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.     1 John 4:18

As I was reading the blog of another dear friend from whom I find a wealth of experiential and spiritual wisdom,  I came away with a gem she had gleaned from a book she was reading.  The subject was on reactive attachment disorder and the gem that had my attention was a concept that love and fear can not be felt at the same time.
This caught my attention because FEAR, is a subject I am dealing with in my own life.  Seeing exactly how fear, deep rooted and buried within until recent years has ruled my life and kept me from experiencing what real love is.

Fear has colored many of the  choices I have made from a very early age. Fear that hid down deep in  inner thoughts and feelings that I tried to cover with business, or distractions  or the surface things of this world.  Fear for me was deep in my core and I didn't  want anyone else to know about it. Much of the time I didn't want to know about it.   It was covered heavily with the facade that I was in control, I had it altogether; I could handle anything, even when I knew I could not.

The facade was my protective shield. Or so I thought-more later on this.  In this world of broken souls and minds and bodies there are many of us who live or have lived our lives in fear, and there is an answer.

The perfect love of Jesus Christ.  He is perfect love and when you come to know Him in a personal and intimate relationship He truly gives you perfect love. The kind of love that sets you free from the bondage of fear. The kind of love that let's you love others without the need of covering your inner self protectively.
The kind of love that says: "Therefore there is now no condemnation--punishment--for those who are in Christ Jesus...the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free...Romans 8:1-2   We are free IN the Lord.

When He is at the center of our lives we no longer have to fear anything; mentally, emotionally, even physically (with wisdom) because God is Sovereign,  He has established His throne in the heavens and rules over all. God is in control even if we choose not to believe it so.  Unbelief doesn't change this fact.  We as humans get into trouble simple because we choose to disbelieve what His Word says.  Either in unbelief or simply not knowing what His Words says we do not hear the precious truths that sets us free.

Jesus proved His love for us at Calvary.  He gave up His very own life so that we would be free of eternal condemnation.  He took upon Himself the punishment I  deserved but no longer have to be afraid of as Gods  child.  Oh how long it has taken me to understand that I am now free and do not have to let fear reign within.

I am free in Jesus love and then free to love others as He loves me.  When I love, I do not feel fear.  When I fear I do not feel love.  So the answer to my title is no, we can not feel love and fear at the same time. One or the other is in control of how we feel.

Does this mean I do not feel fear at all.  No! Believe me when I say this is still a daily battle of my mind and emotions.  But what is different now is that I can choose to believe what Scripture tells me or let my fear rule.
God speaks many times throughout the Scripture for His children to not be afraid, He is with them.  Isa. 41:10  When I choose to trust this truth when I am experiencing fear,  His love pours in and the fear goes away.
Oh how I desire others to know this freedom they too can's not for a few "spiritually elite".  It's for each and every person who want's to except this love Christ offers us.   My prayer is that any one reading this may also come to know that same Perfect Love, my precious, precious Jesus Christ.

Oh Lord, so many of this world know so little truth about you The Son of God the Father. How much You love them, each one.  How you have a plan and  purpose for their lives and want to lavish Your  love on Your children.  And who doesn't want to be loved.  All of us seek it so and only truly find it in You.  May You reveal Yourself to fearful hearts and set them free with Your love.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

God's Silence in the Darkness?

My soul waits in silence for the Lord God only; from Him is my salvation.  He is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken.....Psalms 62:1-2

What do we do when we feel God is  silent when we are in the midst of darkness or adversity?  As His children we cry out to Him to help us because we want escape or relief from whatever circumstances we are in at that moment.  I have found myself here so many times, darkness surrounding me and wondering why the Lord didn't hear me when I cried out; why wasn't He answering  me.

It is only of late I have begun to see that it isn't He who isn't listening but I who may not be hearing.  Scripture tells us that God hears the cry's of His children, the afflicted and needed,  (Ps???)  It also tells us He is sovereign...(   ) and all things are in His control,  He even uses evil to His purposes.

Recently I went through what I can only describe as a time of pure chaos and total neediness due to my illness.  Alone and unable to reach anyone, I suddenly needed help I could not find.  I should have been totally panicked, yet all through the hours it took to get the help I needed, I knew the Lord was with me, working out all the circumstances for my good. His presences was the most peaceful and calming thing I have ever experienced.  When God says He is our peace and our strength and our shield. He does what He says.   He was for me that night.

Most of us wonder, at times, when adversity strikes, why God doesn't seem to  "help" us when we are calling out to Him. When we are asking, Where are You God? Don't you see what's happening to me?   What I've come to know is He knows exactly what's happening to me and why, even if I don't at the time.

As I have come to know the Lord Presence in my daily life and His ways through Scriptures, one truth stands out to me,  I have been learning  He does hear His children ... always.   What we don't understand is what His purpose and plan is for what's happening.  He answers many times very differently than I think or expect He should.   One of the most difficult lessons I've had to learn, next to learning to listen to Him, is surrendering to His sovereign will.  Accepting as His daughter, that as long as I am not walking in willful disobedience, He will not allow anything into my life that is not His will.  He has promised this is so.

Gods Word says, "The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all ... Psalms 103:19...Whether one chooses to believe this, or not, doesn't make it any less true.  And I for one am so glad it is true.  If God is for me, who can be against me?  Absolutely nothing can separate me from His love and He will work all things to my good...sometime, someway, somehow....I just have to make sure my relationship is right with Him.  Then I will hear what He wants to speak to me at His appointed time and I can trust in His sovereignty while I wait.

Oh Lord, You are so loving and wonderful.  I can not image my life without You by my side. Without Your wonderful peace that You give especially when darkness assails me..  I never want to  lose the experience of Your Presence and pray that through me others may come to know Your wonderful love as well.  Thank You Lord. Thank You!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The heavens speak  the glory of God; and their expanse declares the work of His hands. Psalms 19:1

How can anyone declare there is no God.  Our earth and the entire Universe, shouts there is a God; a Creator, the Maker of heaven and earth.

The Lord is good to all He has made and His lovingkindness is everlasting.  Oh how He wants us to know Him.  And to love Him and worship Him.  Every man, woman, and child created has a place within them that can only be filled by Him.  Nothing else in this life can satisfy that place except Jesus Christ, God's Son, who purchased our redemption, our way to a relationship with the God who created us.

That redemption, what was the plan, since man had been separated from a holy God because the resulting sin from the Fall, how did He plan to bring this redemption plan about?  Through the most ordinary circumstances man has ever known.  The birth of a Baby Boy, a Savior, a King,  in a lowly stable,  to a young couple committed to obeying God, even when they most likely didn't understand every thing which was happening. From the very beginning of time, God knew man would sin against Him and He had a perfect plan already in place.   A Perfect Man coming to show the world how much the Father loves His creation.

The God of Heaven wants us to know His love for us; to know that we can be accepted by Him just as we are when we accept the gift He offered in that manger the night the angels sang from heaven at the birth of Gods Son, come to save His people.  Christ alone is our way to the Father.  Our only way to fill the void that so many live with day in and day out.  He gives life and light and peace and joy that can never be satisfied another way.

Oh Lord how wonderful You are to me.  How You fill my life with Your love and Your peace and Light my path.  I could never image life without You at the center now.  Scripture says many are invited, but few are chosen.  Thank You, thank You, thank You for choosing me as one of Your children, my blessed Redeemer.