A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know you are My disciples, if you love one another (emphasis mine).
John 13:34,35
Love. With Valentines Day just turning the corner there has been a lot of emphasis on love, flowing around us. Cards to buy, flowers, candy and all types of gifts given to express one persons love to another. It is a wonderfully joyous day for couples and looked forward to by all those in love each year.
During this Valentines day, no longer being part of a couple, I spent some time contemplating this word "love", and another word theme that I've been focusing on, "service" to others. And then after mulling things around later while reading a devotional this Scripture above spoke volumes to me.
We as believers are commanded by our Lord to love one another. Commanded! Strong word meaning ordered, do. He commanded the disciples who were with Him at the time of His ministry to love one another, and by that expressed love, others would know they were His disciples--followers.
So how does this have anything to do with the love expressed at Valentines. It has to do with what love is; what we perceive it to mean. There is a huge difference between what the world says is love and what God says is love. A closer look here reveals the reason, because the key passage of this Scripture is,"even as I have loved you". So many miss this part. It is only by the love of Christ shared with us, that we can truly reveal love to others. Jesus Christ is the epitome of love. Real love. Genuine love. The deep down core love that's says "I am with you always, I will not forsake you." "I have your hand".
The world offers a type of love that most of us look to today, to mean real love; but much to freqently this love, is more an emotional "me" directed kind of love. What am "I" going to get out of this relationship, this gift, this special day?
As I have come to experience the love of Christ, I am starting to understand more about what Scripture calls, "love". Gods love is a patient love, a gentle, love, a kind love, (Gal. 5:22) and above all a sacrificial love. This is the kind of love God has for us. This is the love Jesus is talking to His disciples to show toward each other, the love He has shown them.
It is this quality, sacrificially loving others, I believe that sets true followers of Christ apart from those who do not know Him in a personal relationship. For myself I never really knew what real love was until I met Jesus. I also never fully experienced real love directed toward me, until I experienced His love. Believers loving others in specific ways reflects the love we have for Him. We also know it, and show it, when we serve others,-- hence title.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, the world is watching how we love each other on a daily basis. Do they see the love of Jesus reflected in what they see from us? The love of Christ is service to others, not just expecting something for ourselves. Can we each ask of ourselves, "Am I loving as Christ loves, so that, all men will know I am His disciple"?
O' precious Lord, how I so often I express and show the worlds example of love, rather than Your perfect love, which is available if I only ask. Can I love my brothers and sisters, and all Your creations with the love that You show me and I show then as Your disciple? I pray so Lord! And only by Your mercy and love for me is it even possible.
Thank You that You came from the Father to reveal to us what Gods love for us really looks like. Your goodness is beyond anything words can say. Your life says it all.
John 13:34,35
Love. With Valentines Day just turning the corner there has been a lot of emphasis on love, flowing around us. Cards to buy, flowers, candy and all types of gifts given to express one persons love to another. It is a wonderfully joyous day for couples and looked forward to by all those in love each year.
During this Valentines day, no longer being part of a couple, I spent some time contemplating this word "love", and another word theme that I've been focusing on, "service" to others. And then after mulling things around later while reading a devotional this Scripture above spoke volumes to me.
We as believers are commanded by our Lord to love one another. Commanded! Strong word meaning ordered, do. He commanded the disciples who were with Him at the time of His ministry to love one another, and by that expressed love, others would know they were His disciples--followers.
So how does this have anything to do with the love expressed at Valentines. It has to do with what love is; what we perceive it to mean. There is a huge difference between what the world says is love and what God says is love. A closer look here reveals the reason, because the key passage of this Scripture is,"even as I have loved you". So many miss this part. It is only by the love of Christ shared with us, that we can truly reveal love to others. Jesus Christ is the epitome of love. Real love. Genuine love. The deep down core love that's says "I am with you always, I will not forsake you." "I have your hand".
The world offers a type of love that most of us look to today, to mean real love; but much to freqently this love, is more an emotional "me" directed kind of love. What am "I" going to get out of this relationship, this gift, this special day?
As I have come to experience the love of Christ, I am starting to understand more about what Scripture calls, "love". Gods love is a patient love, a gentle, love, a kind love, (Gal. 5:22) and above all a sacrificial love. This is the kind of love God has for us. This is the love Jesus is talking to His disciples to show toward each other, the love He has shown them.
It is this quality, sacrificially loving others, I believe that sets true followers of Christ apart from those who do not know Him in a personal relationship. For myself I never really knew what real love was until I met Jesus. I also never fully experienced real love directed toward me, until I experienced His love. Believers loving others in specific ways reflects the love we have for Him. We also know it, and show it, when we serve others,-- hence title.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, the world is watching how we love each other on a daily basis. Do they see the love of Jesus reflected in what they see from us? The love of Christ is service to others, not just expecting something for ourselves. Can we each ask of ourselves, "Am I loving as Christ loves, so that, all men will know I am His disciple"?
O' precious Lord, how I so often I express and show the worlds example of love, rather than Your perfect love, which is available if I only ask. Can I love my brothers and sisters, and all Your creations with the love that You show me and I show then as Your disciple? I pray so Lord! And only by Your mercy and love for me is it even possible.
Thank You that You came from the Father to reveal to us what Gods love for us really looks like. Your goodness is beyond anything words can say. Your life says it all.
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