Then the Lord said, "It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for Him...Genesis 2:18.....For this reason a man joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.
"Spiritually single". Have you heard this term before? I was introduced to it in a married woman's bible study group. A group of wives whose husbands didn't share a spiritual walk with them. For years I've attended church with women who came to services and events surrounding "church stuff" alone. They sit Sunday after Sunday in pews by themselves, usually alone, sometimes with children if they have them, but no husbands in sight. Spiritually single describes my own marriage as it was for many years and has been for some of the most wonderful, godly women I've know through my years of my faith journey.
This morning this term came to my mind, and I ask God, "What does this really mean? How would He explain being single spiritually? Is it even a valid term? When I have considered, or used this term in the past, as a label for myself, it meant, not sharing any spiritual life with the husband I am married to. Married but not joined in the most important relationship of my life, my relationship with Jesus Christ, my Lord & Savior. No reading of the Word together, no praying together, no going to church, or sharing fellowship with other believers together, or very little of any of theses. Caring for and managing my spiritual needs, outside of our marriage relationship.
Seems I've been here most of the time, for years, and I really wanted to know what scripture would have to say about it. Thinking on, it also came to me that those whose spouses had past on, or those who had divorces could fit here too. So I prayerfully asked, "Lord may we go on a journey into Your word and try to make some understanding of what it means being spiritually single and what that means to men and women today.
As I first begin, because I'm a woman, I of course start by thinking about other woman in the Bible who might fit this term.. Naomi came to my mind as the first single woman I thought of, because she had been married and lost both her husband and sons. But my next thought was there where men whom this term might have applied to also, thinking of Hosea with his promiscuous wife, Gomer.
Here were two. Who else can I find that fit in this category? And how does it apply to my life today?
I am going to see what more the Lord has to show me on this particular subject, because His Word always has what I need. So I plan to spend some blog time discovering what God has to say about the subject and how it applies.
Follow along over the next few posts and let's see what we find out.
Lord Jesus, You above all others knew what it was to walk the journey of faith without a married partner. Some of Your disciples were married, but Your intimacy was with the Father in heaven. There is a real need for many women--and men-- to understand how to have a spiritual relationship with You and the Father, without the support of those they are , or were, intimately joined to in marriage. Show me Lord what You want me to hear on this subject for Your Holy Word. Thank You Jesus there is nothing that can not be learned from in Your Word.
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