Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Law and Grace. What God Says.

For what the Law could not do . weak as it was in through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man and as an offering for sin.... Romans 8:3

For many who do not read or spend time in Gods Word I think the concept of these words has blurred and become confusing.  Most all of us know the Ten Commandments in some form, even if the schools and the  government have removed them from their halls and walls--another blog, another time--we have heard them.  The "do and the don'ts" I've heard them called from the Old Testament.  We know them even if we pretend we don't.  God has written them on our hearts, Scriptures says so. To many they are the measure of what it means to be spiritual.   The "Do's and the Don'ts.  The Law.

 Even believers often  use them as a measure for spirituality level, better known be many as "salvation by works".  And we are right to believe them to know them and desire to follow them.  Gods Word is all truth...every verse, every passage, every book.  The Law was given to Gods people so they would know what sin was and how He wanted them to live their lives following Him.  All the time knowing they would never be able to fulfill it.  This was the Old Covenant, and He was already preparing for the New Covenant He God was bringing to His created ones.

Jesus Christ! Gods own Son was the New Covenant.  His coming ushered in what is called "the time of grace".  Grace is Gods Presence.  Grace is Jesus Christ.  He is fully God and fully man, He was full was grace.  Emmanuel, God with us. His life, death, burial and resurrection, fully fulfilled the requirements of the Law that man has never been able to keep himself.  When we speak of law and grace what I see with my spiritual eyes is that law is self-effort on mans part and grace is all the work of Jesus Christ.  Already done.  Nothing to do with mans effort at all. Grace is His gift to us His willingness to face the just penalty of our sins for us and then give new life to us if we choose to accept what HE DID--not we do.

Grace is what comes from the Lord living out His life in and through us.  It is loving others, even when they are difficult. It is being gentle and kind even toward those who hurt or persecute us.  Jesus did.  It is all the qualities Scripture describes in Galatians 5 as the fruit of the Spirit who comes to live within us as our guaran tee- that we belong to Him.

Jesus living within us brings His grace forth from us.  I read a statement recently, " mercy triumphs over judgement".  That is what Jesus's coming to earth is all about. Mercy from the Law through His Grace!

Oh Lord, what wonder that You knew from the very day those commandments were given that You were the only One who could fulfill them.  That You would come as the Father's Son to show what real grace is. It is unconditional love.  Sacrificial  love.  Your love bestowed upon Your children.  May we by the power of Your Holy Presence which You give us,  learn to grant grace to those around us rather than law. You are our  perfect example.  Oh what love of the Father that we should be called Your children.  I love You  Lord, I love You.

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