Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sanctification...Saying Yes or Saying No

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer...Let the meditations be pleasing to You; as for me I shall be glad in the Lord.
Psalms 19:14; Psalms 104:34

I started writing this blog  because of a persistent, prompting I was feeling in my spirit. I could feel the Lord saying to my heart, "Are you listening? If so, I want  you to share what your hearing." Me? Write?  And not just in a journal which I have been writing for His and my eyes only for some years, but on a computer blog, where anyone who wants too can read them. No way! I can't do that.

At first, I just tried to ignore His prompting. I didn't want to write down my intimate moments with Him, in a  blog so others could read them. They were personal. The words of my journals had always been  written for His and my eyes only.  It was our intimate conversations. Besides, I argued back, "You know how much I hate to write anything someone else is going to read. Remember Lord,  when  I was in college, I fussed and fretted, even cried , when I had to do writing projects.  It would take me days to get my thoughts on paper.  I would write and rewrite and rewrite..  It was painful to even watch me, my family has told me since.  No can't do that; I never want to do that again.  Nope, not me. No way!

Yet that sweet, soft Voice, kept prompting my heart until I finally got online and did some checking out what blogging  was all about. I read and I searched the information relating to this blog site. Searching through the helps and guides. Reading to see what others had to say about doing a blog. I had already gained some understanding from reading several other blogs I had been subscribing to daily and knew how much what they shared has meant to me.  How encouraging their transparency about their own Spiritual journey  has been to me personally.

The Lord God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth was asking me to share our relationship with others. No matter how scared or unsure about this I was, the choice for me was whether I would trust Him even though I did not understand why, or would I refuse.  I said yes, Lord, show me and I will follow.
 After that, things simply fell into place. I was totally at  peace because I knew for sure this was what God wanted to do, in and through me.  So here we are.  I'm doing my best to write what I hear Him speaking to  me to share.   What He wants me to say.  May that always be the end result...His Words, His Thoughts, His Ways and how that applies to my everyday life and walk with Him.

Now some of you reading this might ask, "How does starting a blog fit in with  sanctification.
Scriptures says, as a believer I am sanctified.  "Sanctified," when I looked it up, means to be set apart for something.  God has set each one of His children "apart" to hear and share His ways and thoughts when we learn them. "Go into all the world and make disciples ...teaching them to obey everything I  have said.  (Matthew 28:17)  I always thought of being sanctified as something only the really spiritually were, but now I'm understanding that it means I, Lola, with all my stumbles, falls and even at times disobedience, am set apart with the Lord Jesus Christ because I have a relationship with Him. He  wants me to know Him and to know how very, very much He loves me.  He wants me to seek Him and follow Him. To let Him live out His life in and through me, by His Spirit;  revealing more and more of Himself as I learn to hear Him. And now, he's asking me to share with other's how anyone can have this same personal relationship with Him.  Share how He speaks to me through His word,  not just to pastors and  Bible scholars, those whom I see as so much spiritually bigger than me. No just to me,  a plain everyday struggling woman who has now become His child. He wants to meet with me and speak to me from His word everyday as He "sets me apart for Himself.
As I quietly wait, pondering what this means, The Lord  again gently says," My child sanctification is not what you achieve, not something you do.  It's what I Jesus Christ do in and through you as you listen to and obey My Word.  It is our relationship that sanctifies you and makes you whole.

Oh dear Lord, How thankful and grateful I am that You Almighty God, would reveal Yourself to me.  Would even want a relationship with me.  Lord Jesus Your love is beyond anything that I could try and describe in mere words.  But may the joy I experience in Your awesome presence fill You will please.  I love you Lord and only because You loved me first.


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